Thursday, May 14, 2009

I went to a shrink

Wow I had this dream last night that I was married to Oprah. Why was Oprah in my head? Oh yeah, that stupid grilled chicken giveaway. Apparently KFC is good for you if they put some artificial grilled flavor on skinless fried chicken. Makes sense to me! Sure, they also give you a biscuit, high fructose corn syrup flavored water, and your choice of two astronaut food side orders, at least you aren't eating something that's been breaded. So I was escorting Oprah somewhere. Anyway she disappeared pretty quickly. Somehow I started blowing up dogs then I woke up and was like, "was I just dreaming about blowing up dogs?" I hope all it means is that I was thinking of Grand Theft Auto, but got dogs confused with pedestrians, because hurting small animals is the first step to becoming a sociopath.

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